Following the latest advice issued by the UK and Scottish Governments on Monday, 16th March 2020, Aberdeen In Recovery can confirm additional measures in relation to Coronavirus (COVID-19).
From 9am on Tuesday, 17th March 2020, face to face meetings, groups and activities will be suspended until further notice.
Updates and guidance will continue to be provided by email to all members as and when new information becomes available. Please also continue to check our website, Facebook @Aberdeeninrecovery and Twitter @republic_AiR for continuing updates.
If you require advice or support, please contact ADA on 01224 594700 or 07927 192706.
We would recommend during this time to keep as connected as possible and make best use of some of these alternative resources:
If you need to speak to someone please use the following contacts:
Finally, if you, or someone you care for, are showing symptoms of Coronavirus (new continuous cough and/or fever) please contact NHS24 on 111.