In a year of extraordinary change and uncertainty, it offers us a chance to think about the ways in which we may sometimes use alcohol to help us cope when we’re feeling low, anxious, stressed or worried.
It also offers opportunities to highlight some of the more serious mental health problems that can go hand-in-hand with very heavy drinking.
Below are links to various fact sheets with some helpful tips and guidance for you:
Alcohol and mental health Alcohol and the brain Alcohol and your mood Alcohol units
Am I drinking too much Someone else’s drinking Drinking tips Support with your drinking
Alcohol Mental Health A5 Leaflet
You can also take the Alcohol Change UK online quick quiz here to see how much you know and visit the Alcohol Change UK website for more.
For anyone struggling, we always encourage you to reach out for support, whether that’s to your GP, social worker, other clinical worker, Alcohol & Drugs Action (Freephone 0333 344 8355), other charities and 3rd sector services, help is out there.
If you are in recovery, we would love to hear from you. We run a varied programme of online mutual aid support and we all have lived and living experience which proves: